Hi, I'm the owner of this page, mein name ist Setiani Imaningtias. I'm a freshman of a faculty of medicine Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. Spent my-one-year-time on public health major in Jakarta Islamic State University. In my dream, someday, I will be a great ophthalmologist or pharmacologist. So that, now i'm on my way running there. Okay, i'm amateur writer and i love music. Editor in Chief of IMM monthly bulletin.I dedicate my life to the owner of life, Allah the almighty. I'm still a sibling of my great dentist sister and my IT manager brother. Little daughter of my apothecary assistant mother and super great technocrats father.
I love sharing whatever i know
I love sharing whatever i know
and my fingers love dancing on the keyboard tuts.
Enjoy my silly words!